
Musica Esoterica is a podcast I started in 2015 for the amusement of mostly myself, and possibly also a few of my friends. It consists of the sorts of thing I enjoy listening to, strung together with only very cursory attention paid to such matters as continuity, flow, coherence. Each Epidose is about twenty minutes long, give or take; about the length of time it takes to make a short bus journey.

There is no formal selection process for the music used in the podcast.  It is whatever I feel like at the time. The term "esoteric music" should not be taken seriously; what is considered "obscure" versus "mainstream" is an argument I am not the slightest bit interested in.

I won't try and pin down what you can expect to hear. Indeed I'd like it if you never knew what to expect... but the reality is that I have a particular taste, and after a few Epidoses that will probably be fairly clear to you. I won't try too hard to confound expectations, either, as that can only really go so far. I'll just stick with putting in music I really like, and hope that works out.

As stated on each Epidose, there are no refunds with this Podcast. You will never get those twenty minutes of your life back, so consume with caution.

Thank you for listening,
GCU Esoterica.

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