Saturday, 23 February 2019

Epidose 34 - I, Cerambus!

Jellyfish desperate to save their habitat crammed themselves a hundredfold into the nozzle, but the reactor continued to function.  The queen's coronation pie was stuffed to the brim with lamprey, slave blood still dripping from their toothy maws, their gaping buccal funnels. They opened their pineal eyes and wept, as ancient worms transformed the Shepherd into a Beatle.  Windswept Johnskale watched from his Cumbrian pile, the deacon's mission long since abandoned, the seas afizz with effluent...

Listen Now.

Open your pineal ear to the breathtaking seashell grumbles of:
  • Ghost - Guru In The Echo
  • Guy Pederson - Indian Pop Bass
  • Vladimir Ussachevsky - Wireless Fantasy
  • Sven Grünberg - Hingus (Part I)
  • Trans Am - For Now And Forever
Please send pipecleaners to the ever-ready, for our nozzle is forever congealed.

Twenty minutes. No refunds.