Tuesday, 13 August 2019

Epidose 37 - The Clinker's Trumpet

Tan sandstone blocks, upon which lies like a shroud a vaporous husk, the branch system of a long-dead ivy, blushing dark cobweb of dusky vine.  What enormous tonnage, what great weight of crumbling stone. All we lack is longterm thinking; the perspective of aeons.  Civilisation as we know it can not be saved, could never in its entire history have ever been saved, as it has never existed in stasis.

A pair of wax candles in the shape of skulls, one candyfloss pink, the other pale green; an origami heron standing two inches tall; a pair of mustard-yellow clogs tied together by a small ribbon in the colours of the Dutch flag; and the soothing sounds of:
  • Hedgehog Pie - Cool Reelies
  • Pigeon Religion - Scorpion Milk
  • Brian Brain - The Asthma Game
  • Birdyak - The Sacred Mushroom
  • Vinko Trubić & Ivan Drjanić - Tanec (from wedding at Gostinjac)
  • Bridget St. John - The Pebble And The Man
  • Brame - Zeste Incest
  • Virgin Prunes - Yeo
The ever-listening, enormous floating ear of gcuesoterica@gmail.com is ready to take your call.  Zardoz commands you to transmit your crackling netherwords into its pulsating cavity.

Twenty minutes.  No refunds.

Friday, 2 August 2019

Epidose 36 - Weighted Planar Stochastic Lettuce

How furcate is my volley! How splend the strand of string that strays from straggle heath to sponly suedes!  As Swayze sways, these rays persuade, he's raised the waves from wasteful ways.  A length of clothespipe, flurdled in a codheap. Did your mother mither? Does your mister pass muster?  (I blessed a blister-blaster with much bluster.)  You can eat an orange, and arrange a lozenge, but a blo-jo from Bo-Jo's a no-no.

More scintillatingly schizoid psychedelic skitterings for squiffy squirrels and squinny sesquipedalians, from the unlikely likes of:

  • Yuri Morozov - Inexplicable (Part 4)
  • En Halvkokt i Folie - I Like The Introduction Of A Flute
  • The Yuri Landman Ensemble - Interlude I
  • Luke Haines - Fat Bird From The Woodcraft Folk
  • The Ass Baboons Of Venus - You've Failed Again, You Arrogant Twat
  • The Plastic Billionaires - The Fat Lady of Limbourg
  • Brame - Gaviscon
  • Trippple Nippples - LSD

Gosh, barely a month since the last one.  I urge you to stuff worms into my insatiable craw at gcuesoterica@gmail.com.

Twenty minutes.  No refunds.

Thursday, 20 June 2019

Epidose 35 - Dutch & Charles

Gnolling cloudless and winsome o'er the hobbledy froom, a snipjack trejury come treacling langwards from netherlandish parts.  Hobskoosh onely wonders, the pibbletosh skim skimmety-skim on glasslake ribble.  Nabberlack lip-licker frusking out the vanguard as pottle fall dreamylike through wode, long loomy wode, a light as baffleghast as wronglesky, these dabble-dark miff of posk and ratchet.

Listen Now.

So cram this claggy clamour in thy clammy clam-likes:
  • Jack Planck- The Boy With The Raccoon Penis
  • Laid Back - White Horse
  • Frank Chickens - Cheeba Cheeba Chimpira
  • Steve Beresford & Tristan Honsinger - Sai Hello To The Cello
  • Fort Lauderdale - Holy Wednesday
Once in a new balloon, I check for discarded tissues caught among the detritus at gcuesoterica@gmail.com, thus far to precious little of what is apparently termed "avail."  Go on, prove me wonky.

Twenty minutes.  No refunds.

Saturday, 23 February 2019

Epidose 34 - I, Cerambus!

Jellyfish desperate to save their habitat crammed themselves a hundredfold into the nozzle, but the reactor continued to function.  The queen's coronation pie was stuffed to the brim with lamprey, slave blood still dripping from their toothy maws, their gaping buccal funnels. They opened their pineal eyes and wept, as ancient worms transformed the Shepherd into a Beatle.  Windswept Johnskale watched from his Cumbrian pile, the deacon's mission long since abandoned, the seas afizz with effluent...

Listen Now.

Open your pineal ear to the breathtaking seashell grumbles of:
  • Ghost - Guru In The Echo
  • Guy Pederson - Indian Pop Bass
  • Vladimir Ussachevsky - Wireless Fantasy
  • Sven Grünberg - Hingus (Part I)
  • Trans Am - For Now And Forever
Please send pipecleaners to the ever-ready gcuesoterica@gmail.com, for our nozzle is forever congealed.

Twenty minutes. No refunds.

Monday, 21 January 2019

Epidose 33 - Lasagna and Kacey

When tender frond the turlingdromes, and vestas whiffle from their homes, out in the misty magma moonlight, neeping in the afternoon, bright Lesmerelda flaunts her chubbles, great malinky double-bubbles.  What a wald!  I wadnae yield to see her famed delights revealed!  But hush now son, and graze your kneesden.  My poem's done.  OH GOD NOT THE BEES-den?

Listen Now.

What's a year or so between fronds, eh?  I trust you'll enjoy the exciting machinations of:

  • Tim Blake - Generator (Laser Beam)
  • Jon Appleton - Chef D'Oeuvre
  • Horace Tapscott Quintet - For Fats
  • Difford & Tillbrook - Apple Tree
  • The Shaggs - Why Do I Feel?
  • Willie Rushton & The Private Eye All-Stars - Neasden
Future excursions will follow a release schedule dictated by Fibonacci numbering.  Voice your objections to the Esoteric Council of Elbers at gcuesoterica@gmail.com if it would make you feel any better about it.

Twenty minutes.  No refunds.