Thursday, 7 December 2017

Epidose 31 - Vagrant Sinner Box

An old woman walking her dog in a field of clover came across a shepherdess looking over her flock of forty-six brown sheep and two dozen lambs.  Each sheep wore upon its face a pair of half-moon spectacles and an embarrassed expression (the lambs just wore the glasses.)  The old woman asked the shepherdess why her flock looked so bashful.  The shepherdess said she'd sheared her share of shameful sheep, and sat down in the shamrock.

Listen Now.

If you listen to the sounds, the following merry jingles should resonate:

  • Electricity feat. Fire Eater - Dunia Wanja Wa Fujo
  • PFFR - Open Letter
  • Charles Dodge - He Destroyed Her Image
  • The Prats - The Alliance
  • Xenis Emputae Travelling Band - Moly
  • Throbbing Gristle - I.B.M.
  • Ewan MacColl & Peggy Seeger - The Keach In The Creel
If you have enjoyed these sheep, please send knitted blankets to to ward away the scowling demons of frostbite.

Twenty minutes. No refunds.

Wednesday, 9 August 2017

Epidose 30 - The Borscht Supremacy

Will you face the racing thoughts that swell and swirl around your goldfish bowl, those thoughts that swallow you up whole and wrap themselves around your soul? And did you ever stop to place a guiding gentle hand upon your face and say, be still now child, and stop your foolish self from running wild?

Listen Now.

In clear water running over sand can be seen the undisturbed reflection of moonlight upon still branches, and the weeping faces of:

  • Kirk Lake - £10,000 Dog
  • Bisk - Drooping
  • Vaenus - Hakai Suru
  • Komovari64 - Stop
  • Yma Sumac - Chuncho (The Forest Creatures)
  • Caramba - Eine Feine
Anyone still standing should voice their inevitable complaints to wherein they will be digitally remastered for outstanding reproduction on today's demanding audio hardware.

Twenty minutes. No refunds.

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Epidose 29 - All Gravy Now

A sprinkling of dusty flakes, the dead skin that makes crusts upon the brow and which blizzards away as one's forehead creases in blowzy consternation, fall lightly upon the humpbacked bellypaunch, the curly-haired chest.  One is reluctant to move, lest they drift onto the upholstery.  Best remain, then, sofa-besnared, until the tender springs of summer push forth their curling tendrils, and the haberdasher's secret love sprouts once more among the soft furnishings.

Listen Now.

The tapestries tremble in the breeze, their threads a-quiver to the invigorating vacillations of:

  • Holy Motors - Heavy Flow
  • Otway & Barrett - D.K 50-80
  • Opium Flirt - How Much Time
  • Louis and Bebe Barron - Main Title (From Forbidden Planet)
  • The Godz - Eleven
  • Tut Vu - Egypt
  • Scott Walker - Darkness

Troubled by inappropriate Paisley deprettifying your textiles?  Unwanted Adinkras tergiversating in your tattersall? Drop a line to, where your damasks will be deconstructed beyond all compare.

Twenty minutes. No refunds.

Monday, 27 March 2017

Epidose 28 - Death To Ming!

There are several really interesting clocks in Berlin.  I've never been myself, but horology is an abiding interest.  At the intersection of sciences between horology and botany, we find the dandelion clock, which the French call pissenlit.  The English name also stems from French, dents de lion; the lion's teeth.  Two lions killed and ate 135 Kenyan railway workers, over a nine-month period in 1898.  It is posited that they may have been suffering from extremely bad toothache.

Listen Now.

I have never killed and eaten any lions.  I'm far too busy - mostly listening to folk song recordings from the early 1950s:

  • Sir John Betjeman - The Arrest Of Oscar Wilde At The Cadogan Hotel
  • Trans Am - Mr. Simmons
  • Rick Potts - Sausage In A Bottle
  • LAShTAL - Ballata No. 7
  • Wallace House - I'm Seventeen Cum Sunday
  • Sadistic Mika Band - Nanika Ga Um
  • Jo'Burg Hawk - War Talk

You can email me at  You won't, of course.  But you can.

Twenty minutes. No refunds.

Monday, 6 March 2017

Epidose 27 - The Underwater Pig

Scooping out great fistfuls of hogflesh: argument over who gets the choicest meat; me wants the bellymeat, no no no me wants the headmeat...  Delicately flick the pointed tip of one's tongue into the vacant snout to slurp at the cool jelly up there.  It is not true that we are three meals away from barbarism; we are there already.

Listen Now.

Why not instead feast your auricles on these nourishing plats du jour:

  • Linda McCartney - The Light Comes From Within
  • Les Ouaiscécool - Les Cités d'Or
  • The Sisterhood Of Convoluted Thinkers - The New Style Poetry
  • Sun City Girls - El Mirage
  • Hala Strana - Burh
  • Multiphonic Ensemble - Fret
When the porker's picked down to its puckered bones, the prickling curly tail may yet prove invaluable as a toothpick. I do so love reading your emails.  One day I may publish a compendium of the best.  It will be a slender tome indeed.

Twenty minutes. No refunds.

Monday, 16 January 2017

Epidose 26 - Influentia!

So many layers of cryptic meaning envelop this week's Epidose that I feel frankly giddy just imagining the possibility of thinking about it.

Listen Now.

You are intelligent creatures, at least so I'm given to understand, so you'll have no problem in whittling out the obdurate reality lurking behind these gauzy fairy-sprinkles of discombobulating glamour.

  • Wire - I Am The Fly
  • Richard Thompson - Shaky Nancy
  • Brian Eno & Robert Wyatt - Flies
  • A Life Once Lost - Prepare Yourself For What Is About To Come
  • Syd Barrett - Wolfpack
  • Thee Headcoats - Sex And Lies
Did you locate the hidden hobgoblin? Very astute -- award yourself a blancmange, and forward your research paper to the department of esoteric studies:

Twenty minutes. No refunds.